Technology and Caregiving

Happy Tuesday All:

First, a big thank you to all who were able to attend our course on Technology and Caregiving this last Friday. What a pleasure it was to present Can Technology Make Caregiving Easier? at the Alzheimer’s Association’s Fall Caregiver Seminar at Doxology Bible Church in Fort Worth, Texas. We reviewed the latest research being conducted by world leaders in caregiving and technology, and how they are making advancements to improve the quality of life for families of and persons with dementia. Take a look at some of the latest technologies that are making a difference in the lives of those with dementia.

I have attached a link to the course materials in the titled link below. The course link is an interactive platform which will allow you to click on all of the associated tabs and links - so don’t be afraid to click on things. Course Link: Can Technology Make Caregiving Easier?
